Strawberry Planting Guide (2024)

Modified: by Mr. Strawberry · This post may contain affiliate links · 90 Comments

Spring brings forth visions of harvest in the minds of home gardeners everywhere as they look at freshly planted gardens. As most gardeners know, everything does best when planted at its optimal time. Planting strawberries is no different. This strawberry planting guide will show you when you should put your strawberry plants in the ground. If you haven’t yet purchased any, you can follow this link to buy strawberry plants.

Strawberry Planting Guide (1)

Strawberry Planting Guide: When to Plant Strawberry Plants

The following table lists the date ranges when you should plant strawberries according to USDA (The United States Department of Agriculture) zones. The higher the number, the closer the zone is to the equator. Each zone has unique climatic properties, and following this strawberry planting schedule will help you maximize your harvest. For more, see the Growing Strawberries reference page.

USDA Agricultural ZonePlant Strawberries From:Plant Strawberries Until:
Zone 10DecemberFebruary
Zone 9DecemberFebruary
Zone 8DecemberMiddle of March
Zone 7DecemberEarly April
Zone 6Early MarchMiddle of April
Zone 5Early AprilEarly May
Zone 4Early MayMiddle of May
Zone 3Early MayMiddle of May

Strawberry Planting Guide: Conclusion

Strawberry Planting Guide (2)

It is important to remember that planting strawberries during the appropriate time window is only half the battle, and late frosts generally won’t do any significant damage to strawberry plants. It is also important to select a cultivar that is well suited for your area. To learn more about the options, visit the Strawberry Varieties reference page, find out which ones are recommended for your state on the Recommended Strawberry Varieties, or just go with one of the tried and true Popular Strawberry Varieties. And good luck!

Learn everything about growing strawberries from the Strawberry Master Manual, also don't forget to follow me on Pinterest and Facebook to stay updated with everything I post. We also have a Strawberry gardening group on Facebook! Feel free to join.

More Growing Strawberries

  • How to Space June-Bearing Strawberries + Arrangement Tips
  • How to Space Everbearing Strawberries + Arrangement Tips
  • How to Grow a Bumper Crop of Strawberries in A Small Space
  • Why Are My Strawberries Misshapen?

Reader Interactions


  1. Bwambale mumbesa

    Am in Uganda. I want to start growing strawberries, I’ve got 200 seedlings from the 5 plants I had bought from a friend in march last year but we all don’t know what variety it is. I do not know how to get the best variety of straw and rusp berry.
    Can u get for me market for golden berries please?
    Thank you very much!


  2. Barbara Tengarrinha

    Hi, I am in Portugal, coastside, frostfree rainy winters (Zone 10a, heat zone 7). Here, normally strawberries are purchased november, bareroot, and planted right away. I have limited space and because of veggie-supply in lockdown I planted in a raised bed (and harvested all winter) Pak Choi and Swiss Chard which are now coming to an end. Yesterday, beginning of March 2021, I bought some strawberry plants in tiny pots, some already with flowers and with fruit forming. I have two questions:
    1. Can I plant the strawberries in this site or is it risky because of the Pac Choi before (Brassica…); if it is (risky) , would it be the same problem where I grew Swiss Chard (in the same raised bed but not exactly the same place)?
    2. These small potted plants are surely the results of runners, separated from the mother plants probably in last fall. Do I count this year (2021) as year number one (and wait until next year for fruit) or is this already year two? Harvest or not Harvest is the question
    Thanks in advance for advice.


  3. Amanda L

    Hi! I just moved from Florida to South Dakota (zone 4b) and was gifted an everbearing strawberry plant and some starts. I have NO EXPERIENCE with winterizing and I don’t want my plants to die next winter! Should I plant them in the ground and read up on winterizing or should I plant them in pots and prepare a space for them inside as it gets colder? According to the map, now is the perfect time for me to plant but I don’t know what to do…


  4. Mel

    I live in zone 6a. We currently Have snow on the ground and are expecting more. It says to plant strawberries in the beginning of March until mid April, however my last frost date is May 1. I ordered 100 bare roots, when should we accept delivery and plant?


    • Jenna Ellsbury

      I live in zone 4. I love the idea planting the strawberries in gutters. Do you think they will survive in the gutters over the winter or should I just suck it up and put them in the ground?


      • Dave

        I’m going to do the same. You can always place the gutters on the ground and cover with straw for over wintering.


  5. Judi Godwin

    I live in Missouri, zone 6.. My plant is in pot similar to hen/chick. Beautiful plant with lots of rooted runners. Anything I can do to save plant through winter. Judi Godwin


  6. Barry

    Border of zones 6 and 7. Is it okay to plant strawberries mid-October or best to wait until spring?


  7. Corinne

    I planted some strawberries at school in late August. I live in Zone 10a. How can I get them to survive until December? Will they survive?


  8. Chrystal

    I’m new to planting and After reading about strawberries i figured I would start with them first. I live in zone 8 so it says to start planting in December. I was wanting to start off growing them in pots (if that’s not a good idea then let me know). Is there anything I need to keep in mind?


  9. B

    Hello Mr. Strawberry,
    We live near Brookston, IN, zone 5. This Spring we planned on replanting our strawberry patch, but life, and a busted tiller, got in the way. Can we plant successfully plant roots now or in the fall or is it best to just scrap this year and wait until Spring?


  10. Big Ben

    I’m planting Bonnie Strawberries that I bought in a pre-grown 6pack. If I plant them now in zone 7, will I see berries this year?


  11. Summer

    Hi I just bought some everbearing strawberry roots and I’m wondering when will be the best time to plant them and what is the best kind of soil to use. I am in MS my zone is 8. I’m growing them in gutters. We had snow twice this year which is not usual for us. According to the gardeners almanac the last scheduled frost should be around March 15th. Thank you!


  12. Houston Ball

    We live directly on the line of zone.7 and 8. Would this month(September)be to late to plant Bonnies strawberry plants?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Houston Ball,
      September is a perfect time to plant! Planting in the fall allows the roots to develop so that you don’t have to snip your blooms. You won’t get any strawberries this year, but next spring you can expect a full harvest! Go ahead and get them in the ground, and good luck!


  13. Ashraf

    I live in Maldives, a tropical country with two seasons, namely Hulhangu Moosun (wet monsoon) which lasts from April 8 to December 9, Iruvai Moosun (dry monsoon) which lasts from December 10 to April 7.
    I want to grow strawberries here. So is it possible to grow them here? If so please give some details on how to grow them. Especially when to start from seeds as we don’t have seedlings available here as they’re not grown locally.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      It is very unlikely that strawberries will survive or produce a crop for you in your climate. I’m sorry!


  14. Kelly

    I live in zone 5 and we have decided to start a strawberry patch (for next year or year after’s crop obviously). It is late June here. Is it too late to establish a new patch? Would they grow and be strong enough to survive the winter? Any help is appreciated!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      No, it isn’t too late. If you are going to be transplanting the strawberries, you may want to even wait a bit longer. Root development happens best in the cooler fall weather, so September should be the ideal time to plant. Good luck!


  15. Yumi

    Hi! I’m trying my hand at planting for the first time ever and I wanted to start with strawberries. I live in zone 10 and was wondering, is the window for planting is closed since it’s already May? Additionally, I don’t have a yard or anything of the like but I do have a sunny window. Should I use a container or hanging basket?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      In Zone 10 it is going to be difficult to grow strawberries in the summer/hot weather. Most growers that far south use day-neutrals for off season production in late winter. You can try either a container for your strawberries, or a hanging basket. However, it might be hard to keep them alive. Good luck!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Zone 10 is hot! You might want to try Chandler as they are a bit more heat tolerant than most. Good luck!


  16. Helen


    I bought some Albion. Not sure if they are barefoot or not as most of them have some small leaves on them but most of them are just long roots. I live in Northern California and now it is Feb. The temperature has been in the 30-40th during the day and 10-20th at night. I planted them right away in a milk crate towel I made with some straws and then covered it with some clear plastic. I left it outside for two nights and now I am not sure if that was stupid or not. So now I have it inside. Please let me know what should I do now. Thank you so much!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Moving back and forth from inside to outside can be traumatic on plants when they are getting established. If you have a greenhouse-like set up (with the plastic), I would wait for some warm nights and then move them outside again the morning before the warmer nights begin. Giving them extra protection for the first few nights will help also, but staying outside is probably the best option as soon as they can be moved back out safely. Good luck!


  17. Jennifer Stubblefield

    I planted strawberry plants I a big outdoor container. I mixed about a third sand in with the potting soil. Mom always told me that strawberries love sand. Anyway, I have been told that they ate perinial. Is that correct? Also, I live in zone 6 (Missouri) when should I expect to see the first berries coming in? Thank you!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Jennifer Stubblefield,
      Strawberry plants do love a sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. And, yes, they are perennial. You will likely see the first berries coming in by April or May, depending on the weather. Good luck!


  18. Joe

    Hi I just purchased strawberry roots, its early feb. how do I keep them till early April. (zone 5)


    • Mr. Strawberry

      This should help. Good luck!


  19. Meghan

    I just received blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries in the mail. Can I plant now in zone 8? I have them moist and in sand per the companies recommendations but not sure when to plant in ground. We have raised beds. Thanks!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      In zone 8, I would go ahead and plant personally, however, that does come with some risk. If you do go ahead and plant, be sure to monitor the temperature and provide extra protection if the temperature drops into the low twenties or cooler. Also, if the plants do suffer cold injury, you might void your ability to get a refund by not following the company’s recommendations. Either way, good luck!


    • Summer

      I live in zone 8 as well and I am wanting to plant my strawberry roots I just bought. Did you try yours early last year? If so do you have any tips lol. #Trying to get some advise:)


  20. LeAnn

    Mr. Strawberry,
    We planted strawberry plants in
    plastic pots. Would like to transplant
    to ground for next year. What should we
    do for the winter? Can we transplant now
    or wait till spring? (zone 5)


    • Mr. Strawberry

      If the ground isn’t yet frozen where you live (it shouldn’t be), go ahead and transplant them carefully. Good luck!


  21. ann hole

    Hi I live in Bulgaria and have just had some strawberry plugs Sweet Colossus delivered, should i plant them directly into the ground or overwinter them, it gets very cold here in the winter down to -30.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      ann hole,
      I am not familiar with the Sweet Colossus variety. I am assuming that it is suitably hardy for your climate, so I would recommend planting in-ground and mulching very heavily to protect them through the winter. To make certain that is the best course of action, you might want to contact the seller and get his recommendation for your situation/variety. Good luck!


    • phil. wright

      hi, we also live in Bulgaria. could i ask where you bought them? we live in Varna area, cheers


    • Chris

      Where did you get the Sweet Colossus plugs? I am in the US and cannot find them anywhere online.


  22. karen

    I just had strawberry plants shipped. We live in zone 6. can I still plant them outside. We should still have about 2 weeks of 40-60 degree weather till we get a freeze. Or should I plant them in our greenhouse until spring? Thank you


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Go ahead and plant them outside as soon as possible. Good luck!


  23. cece cececamp

    I am a teacher and starting a school garden this Fall. Due to limited space on the playground I am going to use a plastic kiddie pool. Can I grow strawberries in there and what types would do well in zone 7. Thanks for your help.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      cece cececamp,
      Yes, you can do that, just be sure to put drainage holes in the bottom of the pool so it is well-drained. Chandler and Surecrop should both work well. Good luck!


  24. Amanda McDonald

    I am trying to grow strawberries in PVC French drain. (Saw it on Pinterest) Zone 8
    I have well drainage but my question is…how long after planting should I see green? We purchased the “root systems” from Lowes…?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Amanda McDonald,
      If you haven’t seen new green growth within two weeks, the crowns have probably died. I’d recommend taking them back to Lowe’s for a replacement or refund. Good luck!

  25. Bridget M Gawel

    I just planted grapes, blackberries rasberries and strawberries it is early fall. Is that ok I heard to get the roots in before winter for hopefully spring blooming… 5


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Bridget M Gawel,
      Yes, it is absolutely a great idea to plant strawberries when you did. They should have plenty of time to establish their root systems prior to winter, and you can expect a yummy harvest of strawberries next spring if all goes well! Good luck!


  26. susie

    I oxygenate water in a tub I add blood meal bone meal, Epson salt,malasses,fish fertalizer, then I feed my strawberries this is how my ozark berries are growing beautiful is there anything I am missing some berries just wilt what do I do?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      See here for more! Good luck!


  27. Donna

    I live on Long Island I believe I’m zone 6 or 7 I wanted to know if it’s to late to start my seeds and weather I should keep them indoors or out?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      It isn’t too late to start them if you do it right away. You’ll need to protect them well over the winter months, however. Good luck!


  28. Dave

    Because of the cold harsh winter here in upstate New York I could not set out my first year strawberry plants until mid May. They did not start any buds until mid May. I have read that the buds should be pulled up to July first. Now I have an over abundance of buds. What should I be doing? Also, I am in zone 5
    Also, I have no real Idea as to what kind of strawberry plants I have. bought all my plants from Lowes.
    Any advice?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      If I am not mistaken, Lowes sells potted plants. If that is the case (you bought already-green and growing plants), I’d recommend just letting the fruit set. There is little enough disruption when re-planting fully potted plants that you shouldn’t diminish the next year’s harvest significantly by allowing the plants to set their fruit. So, enjoy your harvest! Good luck!


  29. Shayne

    Hi new to strawberries, I have 49 bare root ever bearing sitting in the crisper drawer of my fridge. They seem to be okay as I took one out two weeks ago and put it in water, and it started to grow. My question is this do you think it is to late to get them into the ground this late in the game? I live in zone 5 southern Indiana.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      No, I’d plant them this weekend! Good luck!


  30. marcy

    i want to plant my strawberry in dirt with lots of goat poop the soil looks like potting soil it is so rich would it be too much for the strawberrys


    • Mr. Strawberry

      As long as the goat poop has been aged appropriately, it should be fine. Good luck!


  31. Kelly

    Hello! I see that for zone 6 I should plant, but is this true for plants in pots that already have leaves? I bought some plants online assuming they were bare root but they are not 🙂 Any help appreciated!


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Yes, you should go ahead and plant your plants now, if you haven’t already. Good luck!


  32. Ken

    I have a newly made raised bed approximately 1.5 sq yard and 14″ deep. I would like to plant an everbearing stawberry. We live in zone 7a and the bed is partially shaded during the morning. The soil is a 80/10/10 mix of black dirt with spagnum moss and bagged cow manure. Do you have suggested varieties of berries that would thrive in this zone?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      This should help: Recommended Varieties by State. Good luck!


  33. Tawnya

    Please exuse if this is a stupid question. We are making mounds and covering with black plastic. Will the plastic keep my plants from spreading ? Do you even think the plastic is a wise idea ? I have tons of mulch, keeping them with mulch is no problem. Thank you again for your time.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      The black plastic is mainly used by commercial growers who treat the strawberry plants as annuals instead of perennials. The black plastic will keep your plants from spreading via runners as the runners won’t be able root through the plastic and will die. If you have mulch, I’d go with that. Good luck!


      • Carol

        I live in zone 2 when us the best time to cover strawberries with straw


        • Mr. Strawberry

          As soon as the plants enter dormancy, which is usually when the evening temperatures have dropped into the mid-twenties for several nights in a row. Good luck!


  34. Tawnya

    I live in N.E. Mississippi, day time temps are now in the 50’s &60’s, night time are mostly 30’s with a few nights still dropping to the 20’s. Do I need to hold off on planting my plants ? Thank you


    • Mr. Strawberry

      The chances are good that the worst of the cold weather is behind us. If you bought bare-root plants, I would go ahead and plant them. Good luck!


  35. Ted

    I live in the middle of Iowa what would be the best kind of strawberry plants to plant?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Honeoye strawberries should do excellently there. Good luck!


  36. matt

    i live in Louisiana, what strawberry plant would be best for me?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      See the recommendations for Louisiana. Good luck!


  37. billy

    my strawberrys are growing to the size of watermelons and eating my children what should I do


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Have more children.


  38. Kathy

    My Strawberries have gotten smaller over the years and my patch is crowded. Should I dig them up and replant the same ones or buy new plants. I only like large berries.


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Each plant needs enough soil and space to flourish in order to produce larger berries. You can dig up the younger plants (1-2 years old) and replant them. Good luck!


  39. curt

    I live in zone 9 Florida. What plants would be good for container and in the garden?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      See here: Zone 9 Strawberries. Good luck!


  40. Jean

    Live in upstate New York. Still averaging 40 degrees in daytime. Rec’d my strawberry plants but think it’s too cold to plant as they’ll freeze. How do I keep them alive?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Just don’t let the roots get completely dried out. If you ordered bare root plants, you should have gotten instructions with them. If not, you can get some sand and moisten it and keep the roots in the moist sand until you are ready to plant. If you got plugs or potted plants, just keep them inside and watered until you are ready to plant them outside. Good luck!


  41. Dee

    I live in SC..I have had my strawberries in the ground since last season. Can I safely seperate some of the plants? THey look crowded..multiple plants came in ea.container last yr.


    • Straw Berry

      Yes, you can separate or transplant them. See the Transplanting Strawberries page for help. Good luck!


  42. jess

    hi i want to plant strawberries here is phoenix arizona! what’s the best type to plant and do i plant them in the sun or shade? also what time should i plant them?
    i saw some sequoia strawberry plants at the farmers market today, is that a good one?


    • Straw Berry

      Chandler does better in hot climates than many others do, but Phoenix isn’t the ideal place to grow them. For help there, see here: growing strawberries. Good luck!


  43. tim hawkins

    could you tell me what brand strawberry plant will do best in zone 10 sw florida sandy soil?
    thx tim


    • Straw Berry

      tim hawkins,
      You will likely have some trouble with heat and sandy soil. You’ll need to amend the soil to add more organic matter. See the Growing Strawberries Guide for more information. You might have the best results with Chandler. Good luck!


  44. Hamilton King

    Hello, I live in tenn so growing here is easy enough, but I live in a very shaded mountain with pretty poor, rocky soil. Would you recommend a raised bed or should i look more into co opting land?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Hamilton King,
      I would recommend using raised beds filled with higher-quality soil. Of course, if you have land that can be co-opted for growing strawberries, that is an acceptable solution also. Good luck!


  45. Javier Alvarez

    I’m hoping to grow strawberries in puerto rico. Can you recommend some varieties?


    • Mr. Strawberry

      Javier Alvarez,
      Unfortunately, Puerto Rico does not have a climate that is conducive to growing strawberries. You might want to try growing strawberries during the shorter days when it is cooler, but for that you’ll need a short-day variety (use the search box at the top of this page to find more information on those). If you are going to try to grow them during the summer, you might have difficulty. Chandler is one of the more heat-tolerant varieties, so you might want to try that one. Good luck!


  46. mike

    hi i live in hawaii and i wanted to grow strawberries, could you help me with choosing the right type. it rains allot where i live and it does get warm too. any help would be appreciated. mahalo mike


    • Mr. Strawberry

      If you are set on growing strawberries in Hawaii, you may want to try one of the following varieties: Eversweet, Quinault, Seascape. Although strawberries are grown commercially on the Islands, and the Fragaria chiloensis species of strawberries grow at elevation there, they are more difficult to grow in the tropical environment and not highly recommended. The three varieties I just listed are sold in nurseries on Hawaii, so they may do better than most. Good luck!


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Strawberry Planting Guide (2024)


What month is best to plant strawberries? ›

Follow this calendar to keep strawberries healthy and productive
What to doWhen to do it
Plant dormant transplantsApril, May
Plant potted transplantsMay, June
Pinch flower buds off transplants for a few weeksMay
Thin June-bearing plants within two weeks after harvestJuly
4 more rows

What are the best conditions for planting strawberries? ›

Strawberries grow best in a deep, sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. The soil must be well-drained. Keep away from areas that remain wet late into the spring. The site should receive full sunlight and have a gradual slope.

Is it better to plant strawberries in ground or containers? ›

Besides being a great choice where there's little or no garden space, keeping strawberries in containers makes it easier to protect the fruits from slugs and many animal pests, and the good air circulation around their leaves can help to prevent disease problems.

Do strawberry plants need to climb? ›

Strawberries climb upwards with the help of a climbing aid and not by themselves. The runners the strawberry plants form cannot hold on by themselves or wrap around anything. So, for the climbing strawberries to grow, carefully tie the runners to the climbing aid little by little.

What not to do when growing strawberries? ›

10 Strawberry Gardening Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs
  1. Choosing the wrong variety.
  2. Location Location Location.
  3. Planting crowns too deep.
  4. Over or under watering.
  5. Over or under fertilizing.
  6. Not mulching.
  7. Not pinching off first-year flowers.
  8. Not winterizing.
Apr 24, 2022

Do strawberries grow better in sun or shade? ›

Strawberries need plenty of sun and water to fruit well and produce plump, tasty berries. Choose a planting site that gets at least six to eight hours of full direct sun each day — ten hours or more is even better. The more sun your plants get, the more fruit they'll produce.

Do strawberries bear fruit the first year you plant them? ›

Strawberries can produce fruit in the first year (though not at their fullest potential). That being said, to create a long standing and reliable perennial crop you may have to sacrifice some of that first season's harvest. Right after planting, pinch off any flower buds that appear in the first few weeks.

Do strawberries come back every year? ›

Like most hardy perennials, strawberries die back in winter and start growing vigorously as the soil warms in spring. After bearing fruit (as early as February in Florida, or June farther north), many types of strawberries produce numerous runners with baby plants at the tips.

Do strawberries need a lot of water? ›

How should strawberries be watered and fertilized? Watering. Strawberry plants need regular water to thrive, especially during fruit bearing season, when they need an average of 1-2 inches of water daily. The best way to water strawberries is to use drip or soaker hose placed at least two inches away from the plant.

How do you prepare soil for strawberries? ›

Strawberries require loose well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter and slightly acidic. Before planting your strawberries, loosen the soil to a depth of 12 inches and remove any weeds or large rocks. Add compost or well-rotted manure to the soil to improve its fertility and aid in water retention.

What grows well next to strawberries? ›

Try growing asparagus, beans, peas, spinach, lettuce, garlic, horseradish, and rhubarb – yes, strictly speaking, rhubarb is a vegetable. All work well planted alongside strawberries.

How many strawberries will one plant produce? ›

The number of strawberries produced by a single plant can vary based on several factors, including the variety of strawberry, growing conditions, care given to the plant, and the duration of the growing season. On average, a healthy strawberry plant can produce anywhere from around 150 to 400 strawberries per season.

Can I grow strawberries in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

And I put just one plant in a one-gallon container. I've tried two or three plants (as pictured above), but they quickly outgrow that volume. You need a five-gallon container if you want to grow more than one strawberry plant in a single container for more than a month or so.

Do strawberry plants like to be crowded? ›

Strawberry plants dislike crowded conditions, so plant only three strawberry plants per square foot of soil (for a 12-inch by 12-inch pot, for example). Because their roots are fairly shallow, measure the surface area of the container to determine the space it will have (as long as the container doesn't taper sharply.)

What is the best fertilizer for strawberries? ›

The best fertilizer for strawberries is usually a 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 balanced fertilizer. If you keep an organic garden, choose from all-natural fertilizers, including blood meal, kelp meal, soybean meal, and alfalfa meal.

What do strawberry plants need to thrive? ›

Preparing the Soil for Strawberries

If your soil is sandy, simply cultivate lightly to remove weeds and mix in a 1-inch layer of rich compost or rotted manure. Soil pH should be between 5.5 and 7. If necessary, amend your soil before planting.

How to plant strawberries for beginners? ›

  1. Order your plants online in bulk.
  2. Soak them in water while you're planting to give them a better start.
  3. Dig a 6 inch hole for planting.
  4. Plant the strawberry but DO NOT BURY THE CROWN OF THE PLANT!
  5. Water well and watch for green growth.
  6. Pick off any blooms that form.
  7. Enjoy the fruits of your labor next year!

Do coffee grounds help strawberries grow? ›

Roasted coffee grounds are very acidic due to their chemical composition. They host a number of acids, including lactic and glycolic acids, which make them the perfect candidate to provide your growing strawberries with low-pH soil.

Do strawberry plants come back every year? ›

About Strawberry Plants

Garden strawberries are typically much sweeter and juicier than those found in grocery stores. They are also perennials, so they'll come back year after year! Plus, they grow easily wherever there is outdoor space and in almost any climate or soil, from garden beds to pots to hanging baskets.

What is the best month to get strawberries? ›

For most of the country, June is prime time for strawberries. You might also see them in the fall at some farmers' markets, thanks to ever-bearing varieties that can produce until nearly the first frost. If you do, consider yourself lucky.

How late in the year can you plant strawberries? ›

So if you don't intend to have a harvest the first year, it would be acceptable to plant any types of strawberries in March or April, up until May or June. Planting in the ground in summer becomes more problematic because the intense heat creates so much stress for plants.

Do strawberries like full sun and heat? ›

Strawberries do relish plenty of sunlight but too much heat can affect the fruit. I've seen gardens filled with soft, pink strawberries that just don't turn red. This is caused by sunburn.


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